“New Places in UKM”

     Assalamualaikum and good evening everyone! How are you guys? I hope all is well with you all. It's a hectic week for me but Alhamdulillah I survived yay! Today, I want to tell you about two new places that I discover while Econ Hunt 2019 was being held. But before I tell you guys about those places, let me brief you about Econ Hunt 2019.  Econ Hunt is a scavenger hunt and it must be joined by all of the students who take Macroeconomics subject. It's compulsory as it contributes marks for the subject. 

    I was involved as the committee. I didn't join the students while they are playing but instead I helped to organize this programme. In this scavenger hunt, the students need to go to 36 places around UKM to collect the clues and questions. As the committee, I don't need to go to all the 36 places but I went to my designated locations only. 

     I went to Pusanika, Taman Paku Pakis ( I already told about this place in my old post), and Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan (FSSK). When I was wandering around in FSSK, I found two galleries in the building. Let me show you some pictures of them and I'll explain a bit about the galleries. 

     The first gallery is Malay Clothing Hall (Balai Busana Melayu). It is located on the 5th floor of FSSK. It is easy to find the place since there are lots of signage to guide you to arrive there. 

     From the Edutourism UKM's website, it was said that this place was developed in 1990 and it was known as the Academic Museum. Later in 2005, it was renamed to Malay Clothing Hall. It was opened to public and they  are open every weekdays, 8 a.m until 5 p.m and it will be closed for a while at 1 p.m to 2 p.m.

     Inside the gallery, there are lots of mannequins that are wearing Malay traditional clothes from various states. There are also some background story of 'Seni Tenunan Melayu'.

  The other gallery that I found is Litograph, Caricature and Manuscript Gallery. It is located at Level 4, Block A of FSSK. 

The operating hours are as below:

    I would say this gallery is much more organized than the first gallery hehe. It was interesting  for me as in this gallery, it shows caricatures of Tanah Melayu's history. My favorite subject when I was in high school is History so when I entered this gallery, I was fascinated. From UKM website, it was said that this gallery displays collection that are never been cataloged by any research institutions! Isn't that interesting?

    There are actually a lot of other gallery in UKM. There's one in Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi and two galleries in Canselori. I think as a UKM students, we should visit all of this galleries at least once before we graduate from here. Thank God for Econ Hunt, I was given the chance to make a brief visit to these places. 

     I think that's all for today's post, thank you for reading!


  1. Jasmine,
    u are the 1st one that (coz i read your friends blogs before) i know didnt join the ecohunt as u become a committee i believe?
    so good job. that's a privilege :D
    and there is some of sentences in last few para that i believe you have accidentally highlighted that in white - thus i can't read it properly. pls correct that.
    keep it up!


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