UKM Chocolate Factory!

      Assalamualaikum and a very good day everyone! I hope you guys are in a good condition while reading my blog :) I am not feeling that well today. I have sore throat and my voice sounds a little bit weird. It's sick season now so I hope all of my readers take a really good care of yourself okay :)

     As I promised in my previous post, I said I'll explore more places in UKM and share my knowledge and experiences with all of you. I went to the chocolate factory earlier today so I'm going to share a little bit of my experience. It was a brief visit, but I tried to gather as much as information for you guys. This morning, my group of friends and I went to the Faculty of Technology and Science (FST) to visit the chocolate factory. Well, it's not exactly a big factory and I don't think they mass-produced chocolates there but they make very tasty chocolates and you can buy them!!!

      The most important information that you need to know is about the location! Faculty of Science and Technology has a lot of buildings but the chocolate factory is located near this one. Have you seen this building before? This building is near to Kolej Ungku Omar if I'm not mistaken. If you have arrived here, you need to search for the Food Pilot Plant building or 'Loji Pandu Makanan'. It is placed behind this building. 

      We arrived here just before the Friday's prayer. It's kinda late so we don't get to see the process of making the chocolates :( When we arrived, the person-in-charge gave us some tester! There are three flavors for us to test. There are durian-flavored chocolates, milk chocolates and I can't remember the other flavor hehe I think it's mango. But the most important thing is we get to taste the tasty chocolates for free! Hehe. I got to see some of the machines in there. I guess it's to make the chocolates.

       You can buy chocolates from here too. If I'm not mistaken, you can get four pieces of small sized chocolate, about the size of the tester, for RM2 and 16 pieces of it for RM8. There are also chocolate bars, the prices for each are different according to the size. Our lecturer bought all of us a small-sized crispy chocolate bar for RM2.50. It's quite cheap for me (or maybe that's because someone else is buying it for me haha) and the taste is very good too!! I'm quite a chocolate lover, I ate this chocolate in one go. One chocolate is definitely not enough for me. I might go there again and buy some more for myself.

      I think that's all for today's post. I know it's quite short but I hope it is informative enough for you guys :( Thank you for reading and have a nice day everyone! See you on my next post ;)





  1. Salam Jasmine,
    Wow. didn't know there is such a place inside UKM! and FST is just next to our faculty rite? will explore that and def will buy the choc. am a choc lover too :D
    Your post makes me drooling now jasmine coz like i said am hantu coklat hahaha
    well done on the posting. nice arrangement from the beginning till the end.
    Keep it up!


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