My cup of tea. 

     I do believe anything can be a passion. As for me, my passion is reading. I would rather spend my time alone especially in my room, laying on my bed while reading my novels. Not all people actually like and love to read. But i can say that building a healthy habit like reading, benefits me a lot. 

     Some of my friends think that reading is not cool and boring but I never saw it that way. Reading is an escape for me. When I read books, I will got so immerse in it and eventually I'll be distracted from my problems for awhile. Also, reading is like my alternative to travelling. Reading may not be the perfect replacement to travelling but while reading I can still learn a lot about life for different people in different places. For example, during my teenage years, I was obsessed with The Mortal Instruments series. In the series, the story was mostly set in New York. I get to experience the characters' life while they are living their lives in New York. 

Another example is a novel titled Head Over Heels in France. The place setting is in France and the most interesting part is I get to learned some new French vocabulary too! 

    I think that reading is really great blessing as it helps me in many unthinkable ways. Other people may find my passion boring or not as adventurous as other things but I will always think reading is really good habit that I manage to picked up during my childhood. 


  1. Salam Jasmine,
    Good job on the content. i can see u are quite good in writing in english. thanks to your hobby in reading english novel.
    that's really a good hobby. keep continue doing so ok.
    u have include some pics as well but u forgot to include your label here.
    correct that, ok
    overall, good job!


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