Good evening everyone! Today I want to write about Pusat Pembangunan Karier (UKM-Karier) dan Unit Kaunseling. I'm actually running out of topics hahaha but then I remembered this place. This place is located at Level 5, Pusanika. I am actually new to this place ehe but what I know is if you have problem or and confuse about the career path that is suitable for you, you can get a career counselling here. You can also do career psychology test here! And a loooot of other psychology tests too.

     Well, I'm not really familiar with UKM-Karier. I didn't go there because of my career path or anything that is related to career. I went to  the 'Unit Bimbingan dan Kauseling' instead :) Lately, I am having a trouble in my life. It has affected myself quite...a lot but no worries! I'm getting better now thanks to my counselor's guide. I've been to this place for three times already. The place is really comfortable, they have lots of bean bags in there so you can just chill while waiting for your counselor. 

      I want to tell about my first experience going here. Maybe you'll gain some useful information from my experience. I was scared at first because I never went for a counseling before and I was skeptical about counselors. I was not sure how to express my problem to the counselor as I was very confused about my feelings at that time too and I was scared that I will be judged by my counselor. Thankfully, my friend volunteered to went with me there. She told me that there's nothing to be scared off. She's right! There's nothing to be scared off, all of the people in here just want to help you so you must let them. 

    If you want to go for a counseling, you need to fill in an application form. If there is any counselor available at that time, you can go in for your first session right after that. But if not, you need to set an appointment for your future session with your counselor. I got lucky because there is a counselor that was available when I walked-in, so I went in right away! 

    Before I started my session, I need to sign a form that stated that all of my information are concealed, only my counselor will know about it. Basically, what happens in the counselling, stays in the counselling. Well, unless I give them information that is dangerous to me or other parties, they won't keep that as a secret anymore.

     My first counselling session went good. Alhamdulillah. I never feel judged when I told her about my problems and she made me see things in a different perspective. I could understand myself better now. She guided me so well that now I have a clearer vision of what I should do.

    Other than ranting to your counselor about your problems, you can do  other things too! Like me, since my counselor told me that I have lost my 'identity', I took two personality tests to help me rebuild the new and stronger identity of Jasmine. Also, since I have a fear of going to interviews, my counselor suggest me to do a mock interview with her on our next session. This will help me to contain my fear and anxiety when I go to the real interview. There are lots of other weaknesses that me and my counselor have listed and we are going to improve them one by one. I am actually excited because I can't wait to see the better me in the future!

I think that's all for today. The post is not as informative a I want it to be hehe I'm sorry. Last thing that I want to say before I really end this post, do not be afraid to reach out if you really need help and you are not alone! There are lots of people that really want to help you out there! Have a nice day everyone :)


  1. Salam Jasmine,
    This is a very good info. Every student should go there at least once to get advice on their career.
    Good posting as usual, you are the best :D
    Keep it up! :D


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