Hot Meal Bar

Today, I want to tell you guys about a place that my friends and I commonly eat in UKM. I've went to this place ever since I started my foundation year in ASASIpintar, UKM.  Hot Meal Bar is a Chinese Muslim restaurant that provides the customers various type of Chinese food. It is located at Pusanika UKM. 

This restaurant is famous for its signature dish, Mee Tarik. I've tried it once but honestly the taste is not for my tongue but most of my friends who are really into Chinese food, will order it whenever we come to here. They say it tastes really delicious. As for me, I usually order their dumplings :) My favorite dish is the mushroom and chicken dumplings. It tastes really really good and I will eat them everyday if I can haha. There a lots of other dishes as well but I don't try to eat them because I can't really eat Chinese food heh. 


For the price, I think it's really reasonable for the students. Although for some, it may look pricey but the portion of the food is huge. I can get a plate with a big portion of egg fried rice for only RM6 and 25 pieces of dumplings for only RM10. Plus, if you bring your matrics card, you'll get students discounts! Remember to bring your matrics card if you want to come here!! And as for the drinks, you only need to pay for RM1 and you even get unlimited refills!

I think that's it for today's post. Good night!


  1. Salam Jasmine,
    U make me wanna go to the cafe straight away :D
    Thanks to this post am def going to try it.
    anyway, u are very good in constructing your words and sentences. which is great coz it will make your audience to keep reading your post.
    nice selection of font type and size as well.
    well done and keep it up!


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