
    Salam and good night everyone! I am so busy these days with assignments and meetings for programmes that I’m involved with and it’s taking toll on my body L I feel weak and get sick very often nowadays. I hope all of you who are reading my post are not in the same boat with me! When I first created this blog of mine, I have this mission to tell about UKM and UKM only in every posting that I write. But ah,, I run out of the ideas to write about UKM so in this posting, I’m going to write something unrelated to UKM. So sorry! I’ll make it up in my next post. I promise!!

     Do you know the word bibliophile? Well, bibliophile means a person who collects or has a great love of books. In another words, it means book lover. If you can recall my first posting on my blog, I said that I love to read. This time, I’m going to write about some of the book series that I grow up with and how I develop this passion of mine. 

    I've been reading ever since I was in my primary school. I would say that I enjoy reading because I was taught to love this activity ever since I was small. My mom, aunts, uncles, grandma and grandpa are all avid readers.  They all have their own impressive collection of books. I still remember whenever I told my mom that I was bored, she would bring out her collection of books and choose a book for me to read. I got bored a lot so I read all of the books in her collection hehe. Later, I ran out of my mom's books to read so my mom started to buy my own collection of books. I still remember how happy I am because I can finally collect my own books, write my name on them and proudly showcase all of my books on my bookshelf. 

     The first series of books that I ever collected is the 'Adam Kecil' series. The book is in Malay. It was fun and very attractive to read. Sometimes there would be a short comics in the novels. It was a story about a daily life of a young boy who is in his primary school. It has a lot of moral values too.


     I kind of enjoy fiction books a lot more that the non-fiction books hehe. It must be because of my upbringing. My mom and aunties are fans of Enid Blyton’s books. Is the name familiar to you? Enid Blyton wrote a LOT of children literature and the genres are adventure, mystery and fantasy. I think the first series that I ever read is The Five Find-Outers.

    It is a novel series about five children and their dog solve mysteries in their town. There are a total of 15 novels in the series and I read all of them when I was in my standard three. Even until now, my family still collect Enid Blyton's books. At my grandma's house, there is this big bookshelf and I can say that 1/3 of the space is full with her works. Here's some picture to prove that my mom is also obsessed with Enid Blyton's book. She went to MPH last week and bought two books. Two days later, she texted me saying that she bought another FOUR books!!

     When I was in my Form Two, I started to collect series that are more suitable for teenagers. Most of the main characters' age are 17-19 years old. Once, I was obsessed with Cassandra Clare's work. She writes series of books and the genre are fantasy and romance. I collected 3 series of her books and each series have 3-6 books. 

     My family understand my obsession towards these series and they help me to complete my collection. I love that they understood my passion and never be mad at me if I want to buy a lot of books. I know that some of my friends' parents who thought that buying books for their children is a waste of money :( Alhamdulillah, that's not the case for me. My family — including my aunts — is actually excited for me whenever I told them that I want to buy or already bought some new books. Later, they would borrow my books. Here is my first Cassandra Clare's book that I got from my aunt for my 14th birthday :) 

I think that's all for this post. Ah, it's much longer that what I expected. I got excited writing about my passion. I actually want to share a lot of my favourite books in this post but then I'm afraid that it will be too boring later hahaha. Thank you for reading and have a good sleep everyone! 


  1. Salam Jasmine,
    I can feel your passion here :)
    tbh, reading is really a good hobby for all. you will never wasting your time on this and you will gain knowledge the more you read.
    congrats for that :D
    keep it up!


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