A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed

     Assalamualaikum and a very good evening everyone! If you noticed, I am actually running out of ideas for this blog ehe. I don't have anything related to UKM to share with you guys anymore *sigh*. That is because these past few months I'm struggling to cope with some stuffs so I don't have the time to explore UKM more :( I really want to tell you guys about Perpustakaan Tun Sri Lanang (PTSL) or the museums or the chocolate factory in UKM! But I don't have the chance to explore these places in-depth. Insya-Allah, I'll try to go to these places soon and share my experiences with you guys here :) 

         Today I want to talk about how you could help your friend who is stressed with their life and is struggling to cope with their daily activities. The reason why I want to talk about this topic is I noticed that my group of friends and I are actually draining out of energy to study these past few days. All of us are mentally tired and physically not well too :( But we have each others' back and then I realized that it is important to support your friends in times like this :)

My friends from ASASIpintar/roommates/coursemates
     So what can you do if you see your friend is stressed and is struggling alone? Try and talk to her! Make sure she doesn't feel alone. If you are scared to ask her about her problems, you can try to talk about things that she likes. Like her favorite K-Pop groups, or about the latest K-Drama. For me, when someone asked about something that I like when I'm stressed about my study, it can distract me for awhile. It helps to put my mind at ease. 

     If your friend wants to open up to you and tell you about her problems, be a good listener! Be attentive and don't dismiss your friend's problem as a small matter. It may be small to you, but it's burdening her. Sometimes there are people who just want someone to just listen and not offer solutions. Be open-minded and not judging. Here are some tips on how to be a good listener from wikiHow:

     Next, you can help by doing some activities with them. When my group of friends is stressed about our studies, is bored and want to escape the books, we usually watch movies together! Sometimes when we need a laugh we would watch Running Man together too. Do you know about that Korean variety show? It's soooo funny and we would laugh until our stomachs hurt. Sometimes we would play board games too. We would play Monopoly together (I usually won hehehe).  One of my friend bought a coloring book and we would do some coloring together! 

      You see, sometimes when someone is agonizing about something, they tend to forget to take care of themselves. So if you see your friends spending their time worrying about something for days, remind them to eat and sleep. Invite them to eat lunch together with you. Make sure they eat their dinner too. Offer them food because foods can heal right? :D

     If you feel that your friend is really really not in a good shapethey don't sleep at all or is sleeping all day, is crying all the time and is feeling down for more than two weeks, talk about death and suicidehelp them to seek professional help. If they seems interested for a counselling session, offer to help them review some potential therapist. Encourage and support them to make that first appointment! It can help them a lot, trust me.

     There are lots of other ways you could help your friend. I just listed here a few :) Be a good friend and always look out for your friends. That's all for today's posting. I hope it can gives you some ideas to help your friends who are in need. Thank you for reading, have a nice day everyone!


  1. Salam Jasmine,
    Your friends are lucky to have you. Good tips you have here.
    We all should remember one thing that every deed we do will be counted. Either it is good or bad.
    so offering help to those who in need is really a good manner and inshaAllah if we face the similar prob later, there will be others who will offer their helps as well.
    Good job keep it up!


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